S Appicelli, drums; J Cohen, bass; A Cohen, keys; D Fun, vox, sax; C Graf, keys, vox; M Pirog, guitar; R Weasell, guitar, vox, trombone.
Axis of Weasel
was released in the sense that the CDs were manufactured and we have several hundred copies out in the garage if anyone wants one.
Hey Joey Doyle: “Man that bird could fly but it sure couldn’t sing.”
They’ve been saying that about us for 20 years now.
Where Cheese is King: Vermont is the cheesiest state,
although technically Wisconsin has more gross tonnage.
Flergen, a Swede: the rousing tale of a Norseman, meticulous, with a fondness for his own ordure
Suckling: What do you get for the cavalier poet who has everything.
Transparent: Shove me into to shallow water before I get too Deepak Chopra.
Whither Goest the Waitress: Check please.
1973: I'd like to make her do a nasty in the Brady's treehouse.
Officer Gerbils: oink
Cosmic Rays: Break out the tin foil hats and sit down boys and girls,
Uncle Roy is going to tell you a true story.
Under a Cheddar Moon: Yet another song about Rachel's ass, this one in technicolor.
Dirtnap: Love, death and the occasional pudgy intern.
Everything's Fine: bend over and spread em.